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Showing 1-6 of 6 titles.
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Everything you wanted to know about basketball—and more!

For die-hard basketball fans and casual spectators alike, this collection of fascinating facts about the game will be a welcome addition to their ...

Go For Liftoff!

Find out what it takes to become an astronaut—from someone who knows!
How many kids aspire to become an astronaut one day? Wouldn’t it be great to float in space and do neat experiments? But before ...

Fight to Learn

The heroic efforts of people fighting for children’s right to an education.

In many countries around the world, universal access to education is a seemingly unattainable dream; however, determined individuals ...


The most unusual baseball facts you’ll ever find!

Referred to as “America’s National Pastime,” and “The Greatest Sport on Earth,” baseball has captured the hearts and imaginations of millions ...

Crazy About Hockey

By Loris Lesynski
Illustrated by Gerry Rasmussen
Categories: Children's Nonfiction
Series: Crazy About

We get in position, about to start,
over the thumps of every heart—
the ones on the rink,
and the ones that came
to watch a thrilling
hockey game.

Third in Loris Lesynski’s popular Crazy About series, ...

When the Worst Happens

By Tanya Lloyd Kyi
Illustrated by David Parkins
Categories: Children's Nonfiction

People overcome impossible odds where others surrendered and failed.

What would you do if you were stranded or trapped in a situation where you had to fight for your life? When the Worst Happens is a collection ...